Here is a new update for Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap, which involves major user interface changes and new features.

Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap - interface redesign screenshot

We redesigned the main view - from the overall layout to quite a few improvements. Now the sidebars are collapsible - giving you control over what you want to focus on in a given experiment. Now you can:

  • Play experiments a few times or in a loop
  • Slide between experiment speeds and modes (waves, detection-only, and a macroscopic beam)
  • Elements are grouped according to their function
  • Many-word tree with mouseover for displaying measurement events
  • Entanglement (this one unchanged)
  • Experiment outcomes for generating a table for further processing
  • Quantum state display with a mouseover interaction - to see how a given ket component is related to the quantum state on the board

From the physics part, we expanded photon sources. For each one you can select a wavelength, which makes it possible to have both indistinguishable particles (if their wavelengths are the same) and distinguishable (by their wavelengths differ).

Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap - photon sources screenshot

Finally, we can use the bosonic properties of photons! In particular, now it is possible to simulate a landmark experiment - the Hong-Ou-Mandel two-photon interference. We added as well the bosonic creation operator, a fundamental element of quantum optics and quantum field theory. Additionally, we can switch lasers depending on measurements.

We changed how element descriptions work. Instead of a separate page, it is now all as an on-board popup. So now, with the right click, you can not only edit element properties but also:

  • Read a description of the element along with its parameters
  • See how it works in a real optical laboratory
  • Get a starting point for learning more about its physics with hand-picked links (from Wikipedia pages, through educational videos, to academic publications)
  • Explore its transition matrix, which specifies how it changes the photon state

Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap - element description screenshot

Moreover - this year the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger - for "experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities, and pioneering quantum information science". Within Virtual Lab, you can:

As you may already know, we published a paper, Visualizing quantum mechanics in an interactive simulation - Virtual Lab by Quantum Flytrap, Optical Engineering 61(8), 081808 (2022).

While we are closing Quantum Flytrap as a company, we are committed to keeping Virtual Lab free, up and running. We love it as much as you do! :)


Piotr & Klem